Santău - The Orthodox Church of “The Assumption of the Holy Virgin”

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The existence of an old monastery in Santău is proven by a document, which states that the monastery was a “shelter of rebels” in 1730. This also proved the revolt of the local people against the foreign domination. The present church, built in 1900, is one of the most impressive churches in the region. Over 30.000 crowns were spent for the construction of the building, and the project was made by Mihály Tóth Jr. from Carei. The church is marked by romantic elements, and it has a nave and a polygonal sanctuary. The tower above the nave is square, with semicircular windows on each side. The windows are flanked by two pilasters linked by a line of arcades. There is a black-faced clock above each window conferring the building elegance and sobriety. The baroque steeple has an octagonal lantern. (DB).


County Museum of Satu Mare
Bd. Vasile Lucaciu, Nr. 21
440031, Satu Mare
Email:[email protected]

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