Satu Mare - The Roman Catholic Church of the “Immaculate Conception”

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The town of Satu Mare gave to bishop Hám János the territory of the former canal of River Someş in order to build a closter for the Misericordian Nuns, on the condition that he would level up the ground. The work of construction ended in 1842. The façade of the church, made in classic style, is dominated by the tympanum, standing on four pillars. Tower of unusual size is covered with a crowned lantern. The walls are divided by prominent cornices and pillars. The painting of the altar depicts the Immaculate Conception, made by József Pesky from Budapest, in 1854. The classic tabernacle is set on the altar, and is decorated on its both sides with the statues of two angels kneeling for prayer. The pulpit is painted in white and gold, and is decorated with classic motifs, like the acanthus and the rose-window. The mural paintings, made in the 1940’s by painters from Budapest, depict the scenes from the Bible and the Hungarian saints. (TSz).


County Museum of Satu Mare
Bd. Vasile Lucaciu, Nr. 21
440031, Satu Mare
Email:[email protected]

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