Atea - The Calvinist Church

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The church was built in the Middle Ages. The choir has a polygonal end: three sides of an octagon. The original vault of the choir was kept until the 19th century, when, most probably, it was demolished together with the medieval buttresses. The niche of the priest’s chair still exists on the southern wall of the sanctuary. The present ceiling of the church is flat. The windows of the nave, nor the ones of the sanctuary have any medieval elements. According to the medieval architectural tradition, the church had windows only on its southern side. The transformation of the church was made, most probably, during the construction of the tower (1870). At that time, under the influence of Romanticism, a porch was built in front of the church. The aspect of the porch creates a contrast with the ancient style of the church. The upper level of the church is octagonal conferring a particular aspect to the building. The interior of the church is characterized by simplicity. (TSz).


County Museum of Satu Mare
Bd. Vasile Lucaciu, Nr. 21
440031, Satu Mare
Email:[email protected]

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