Pişcolt - The Calvinist Church

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The present church kept the walls of the medieval church, proved by the two narrow windows discovered on the southern façade. The Ottoman raids wasted the settlement at the end of the 17th century, and left the church destroyed. The Calvinist community restored the edifice in 1730. The earthquake of 1834 damaged the church. The building of a new tower was necessary, and this time it was made in Romantic style. At the same time a new ceiling was made, and the church furniture was replaced. In the first half of the 20th century, the altar screen with semicircular closing was demolished, and instead a straight closing was made. The two bells were built in 1772, respectively in 1923. (TSz).


County Museum of Satu Mare
Bd. Vasile Lucaciu, Nr. 21
440031, Satu Mare
Email:[email protected]

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