Stâna - The Orthodox Church of “The Entrance of the Holy Virgin into the Church”

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The church was built in the 18th century from massive wooden-beams, joined in the form of the so called “swallow’s tail”. Besides the structural function, this technique has decorative values too. The church is remarkable for the well designed tower with a protruding gallery. The four columns of the gallery are carved artistically, each of them having three decorative arms. The top of the steeple is rising as an arrow from the middle of the four sleeves. The building is dominated by this skilful-made tower, symbolizing the inclination of the believers toward the height. The porch was turned into pronaos in order to enlarge the space where the service is held, in 1820. The present porch with wooden piles was built then, together with the gallery. The fragments of the inner painting are preserved only on the vault of the nave. The iconographic registers are few, and they reveal western influence of style. The church is enlisted as national monument. (DB).


County Museum of Satu Mare
Bd. Vasile Lucaciu, Nr. 21
440031, Satu Mare
Email:[email protected]

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