Satu Mare - The Roman Catholic Church of “St. John the Evangelist”

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There used to be a Franciscan monastery in the town during the Middle Ages. The building of the present monastery started under the bishop Hám János, finished in 1903. The church was consecrated three years later. The nave of the church is made in classic style, and the prominent tower, flanked by two small towers, decorated with neoroman and neogothic elements, dominate the main facade. The same unusual achievement characterizes also the inside church: the decorative paintings and the furniture were made by specialized firms in historical styles, using specific mediaeval elements. (TSz).

Bura László: A szatmárnémeti Szent János plébánia temploma. Kolozsvár, 2006.


County Museum of Satu Mare
Bd. Vasile Lucaciu, Nr. 21
440031, Satu Mare
Email:[email protected]

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