Negreşti-Oaş - The Orthodox Church of “The Birth of the Holy Virgin”

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This church was built from donations of the local community, during the service of the parson Ion Anderco: between 1847 and 1857. The church is a massive construction: the lower part is made of quarry stone, while the upper part by brick. The construction has a single nave, a square tower with semicircular windows on all sides. The baroque steeple completes the edifice. The main icons of the iconostasis were painted by canon Şerban Mihail from Gherla, in 1880. The most remarkable icons are the Holy Virgin with Child and Jesus Pantocrator. The pulpit was made of sculpted wood, in 1913. In the inside, the church is decorated with frescoes, painted according to the Byzantine canons. (DB).

Parohia Ortodoxă Română Negreşti-Oaş, Scurt istoric al parohiei (manuscris).
Mihăilă, Viorel, Biserica din Negreşti Oaş, în „Trepte vechi şi noi”, Oradea, 1980, p. 329–333.

County Museum of Satu Mare
Bd. Vasile Lucaciu, Nr. 21
440031, Satu Mare
Email:[email protected]

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