Satu Mare - The Synagogue

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The Jewish community settled in greater number in the city of Satu Mare in the middle of the 19th century. The number of its members grew quickly and the community gained influence on national level. Three synagogues and 25 other oratories functioned in the city at the beginning of the 20th century. The present synagogue was built in Romantic style, in 1889and it is provided with a three axed jutty, crowned with the slides of the 10 commandments, themselves situated on the top of the tympanum, all of them situated at the upper level of the main façade. The two corners are symmetrically decorated with a tower suggesting the ornamentation of a Tora, and the Star of David on the upper part of the tower. Each façade has a row of arched windows. The level of the choir is suggested by the presence of the double cornice. The inferior part is decorated with mortar in the rustic way. The secondary façades are divided by pillars. The upper level of the synagogue is decorated with cornices all around, standing interruptions by an arched triforium, in front of the door on the main façade. The façades of the secondary naves are provided with columns in the corners being decorated with vegetal motifs in the upper part. The tympanum is situated above the main cornice, and has two circular windows. On the inside, the niche for keeping the Tora is situated at the end of the main nave. The choirs are held on iron pillars, and the walls are entirely painted with decorative motifs. (SzP, TSz).

County Museum of Satu Mare
Bd. Vasile Lucaciu, Nr. 21
440031, Satu Mare
Email:[email protected]

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